Prenatal Care
Our role is to support and guide you through your pregnancy and birth. We provide information and education. This allows you to actively participate in your own care, make informed decisions and take responsibility for your own health. We encourage your family to participate in your care as much as you are comfortable. We have found that when your family participates in your care they feel more relaxed and secure at the birth.
Prenatal visits usually last 30 minutes; this allows plenty of time to talk, answer questions and discuss your concerns. We want you to feel prepared for childbirth, breastfeeding and parenting. The visits include checking your blood pressure, listening to baby’s heartbeat, palpating baby’s position and measuring your baby’s growth.
Appointment Scheduling follows the traditional ACOG schedule or The Reduced-frequency Visit Schedule.
- A) The traditional ACOG Prenatal Visit Schedule of every 4 weeks up to 28–32 weeks gestation, every 2 weeks between 32 and 36 weeks, and then weekly until birth.
- B) The Reduced-frequency Visit Schedule of one visit in each of the following weeks gestation: 6–8, 14–16, 24–28, 32, 36, 38, and then weekly until birth. This schedule may not be familiar to you but the conclusion of a study of this schedule was that low risk pregnant people experienced no difference in perinatal outcomes or anxiety. People in the reduced frequency group reported an increased level of satisfaction with both provider and the prenatal care system. PMID: 9277060 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]
Midwifery care requires that you take responsibility for your care so, we just ask that once you pick a schedule you stick to it!